Monday, February 11, 2013

Ruling the Board: SSHS February Board Game Bonanza: Glen More

In Glen More, players build their city somewhat like Alhombra, but instead of buying buildings with money from the board, you use resources that your tiles create when activated.  You can also activate them for other functions such as changing unrefined goods into refined goods and changing unrefined goods into victory points.

There are also castles and lochs that can be built, people to change into chieftans, and determinations to be made on how to place your tiles and how many to use.

One neat mechanic here that almost cost me dearly in the end is that all players with more tiles that the player with the least has to give back victory points equal to three times the number of tiles over they are.
This balances out players that gobble up all of the tiles for VP’s as they play for those who are going for slower end game pieces.

I was a tile gobbler and did so through most of the game while amassing allot of VP’s.  Once the game ended, though, I knew I was in trouble.  I needed to finish high in most of the categories so I could pay for my extra tiles and have a shot.  In the end, I was able to get a few major bonuses at the end from other players not gaining any of those types and came out on top.

Final Score:

Me – 44
Justine – 37
Dan – 35
Other Dan – 28

Final Thoughts:
This was a decent game that didn't seem too deep, but that a player could really get into if they wanted too.  There were some cool mechanics that I haven’t seen before and the big/little movement and use it or lose it tiles made things interesting.

We got so lost after three turns the first time that we had to treat it as a tutorial and start from scratch.  We were playing some things pretty wrong, so that was good and everyone was laid back enough to be OK with it.

Even though this one wasn't my favorite, I would still play it again were it to hit the board.

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