Monday, February 11, 2013

Ruling the Board: MWGC 1/19/13: 7 Wonders

From what I can ascertain, one of the top 10 most played games at the moment is 7 Wonders.  It is a game that is somewhat easy to get started with, but takes a few games to really be able to start formulating a strategy and capitalizing on it.  My wonder was The Lighthouse of Alexandria.

The mechanics themselves are fairly simple, take a card and pass the rest to the left during the first phase, the right in the second, and the left again in the third.  You can generate components needed to build other things if you choose and play those cards when they come to you or you can purchase them from the player on your right or left.

You are using these to build things to give you bonuses and to build your wonders.

You are trying to collect sets of card types, win battles with those on either side, and overall gain the most victory points to win.

My strategy was really just to learn the game a bit, so I tended to choose victory point cards early on.  This was very bad as it kept me from gaining any resources to build things early on and I had to use all of my gold to buy what I needed.

I also didn’t take any fighting cards, which did not end up hurting me, but it was something I could have done to gain more in the end.  The worst though, was due to my last of buildings early on, lack of resources, and money, I found it impossible to use the better cards at the end of the game..

It was no surprise when the points were totaled at the end that I got stomped.  I knew I would be nowhere near the lead.  I did ok with fighting, had a bit of gold, finished all three of my wonders, had a decent amount of straight victory point cards, but then the bottom dropped out.

The final score was as follows:

Moishe – 58 (strong in military, wonders, civilian, and guild points)
Randy – 52 ( by far the most civilian, strong in guild and wonders, weak everywhere else, and terrible in military)
Josh – 52 (best in military, strong in gold and wonders, weak in civilian)
Nate – 42 (best in science by far, strong in guild and civilian, weak in commerce/wonders/goald, worst in military)
Matt – 36 (best in wonders and commerce, weak everywhere else)
Me – 35 (good in wonders and civilian, weak everywhere else

Final Thoughts:

This is a fun game that I think would get even better with a few more plays.  I didn’t really get most of it through the first phase and this killed me late in the game, but I still had allot of fun playing it.  I really would like to get some more experience with this one.

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